Alpha 7 Update - AI and Combat

New Features and Improvements

  • Replaced the single music track with multiple songs made by Dos88
  • Added in a new menu which shows what ships are currently in transit or the size of fleets over enemy planets
  • Alien civilizations now have different max population for different types of planets
    • Some civilizations also get different planet types for their home planet
  • Added a new visualization or diplomatic relationships in the information menu
  • Added in a new map function
    • It currently shows the current population and factories on known planets, while also showing the planet type of known planets.
  • Added in multiple new technologies related to production
    • Total is about 12 new technologies
  • Diplomacy now requires a technology to fully unlock
  • Ability to send fleets to planets is now based on current boarders rather than maximum boarder achieved
  • AI is now more intelligent
    • It will only declare war on discovered enemies
    • It can now build buildings on its own planets
    • It will reinforce planets that that boarder an enemy
    • It will now attack using fleets from planets that the enemy can't reach first
    • if it can't find any suitable safe fleets it will take part of a defensive fleet for attacking
    • AI can colonize more planets per turn
    • AI should attack its least powerful neighbors once it hits the late game stage
    • It will also base the game stage on the number of planets it can potentially reach instead of the number of total uncolonized planets remaining
  • Ship Battles now occur on a 5x12 hex shaped map
    • Possible movements are now highlighted 
    • AI has been updated to work using the new hex shaped tiles (some minor issues still being worked on)

Bug Fixes and Balance Changes

  • fixed a sync issue with tax rates
  • fixed an issue with certain tech unlocked causing ship prices to become incorrect
  • fixed an issue where certain ship techs would not unlock properly, adding to the armor instead of weapons option
  • redid planet balancing to increase the number of tech points produced on planets per production point
  • fixed some bugged techs that gave incorrect bonuses when unlocked
  • increased cost of factories
  • reduced cost of technology points
  • fixed many issues caused by starting a new game without restarting the program
  • fixed a bug with colony ships being able to colonize without a colony module
  • fixed bugs with spies executing way to frequently
  • fixed a bug with spy missions attacking any planet not controlled by a player


Zirka Dominus public Alpha 7.exe 184 MB
89 days ago
Zirka Dominus Public Alpha 7.x86_64 188 MB
89 days ago
Zirka Dominus Alpha 7 test 1 Android test.apk 137 MB
93 days ago

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