Alpha 11 Update - Animations and Tech System

Alpha 11

  • Can now have up-to 9 players
    • Redid many variables to allow for even more players, just needs more testing
    • Also did a lot to improve the games optimization
  • Began to add animations to the Empire Leaders pictures
    • Most only have basic talk animations
  • Also improved some portraits and fixed some issues (human and sora were kind of small and had to be redone as I used the wrong height when I first made the portraits)
  • Added a new empire to the game (3 more currently partially finished, currently hidden)
  • Replaced the drop-down menus which were used to pick empire colour along with the empire itself
  • The buttons can now show the player what color they are selecting
  • Reworked the games tech system to allow for prerequisites 
    • Added in a tech tree that shows off what the games tech tree looks like ( very basic at the moment)
    • Adds the ability for Empire or game-play specific technologies
    • Added 6 new technologies
    • The number of techs available can now vary, rather than always having 3 in each tech section
    • redid the tech menu again to deal with the changes
  • Planets now have some variation in max population size
  • Some planets are now restricted from being colonized without a technology to unlock them
  • Began working on a new terraforming system which will allow players to actually change the type of planet
  • Planets can now have decreased or increased production
  • Planets can now have a bonus to tech research (artifact planets)
  • Planet population growth is now influenced by the planet type (hostile vs hospitable)
  • Fixed multiple menus issues with not being properly centered
  • Fixed invaded planets not keeping their bonuses when invading them
  • Fixed multiple bugs with planet production calculation errors
  • Building benefits are no longer lost when a planet is invaded
  • Added new planet types to the game
  • Fixed a bug that allowed multiple planets to have the same name (breaks multiplayer)
  • Fixed a bug where the max factories wasn't being saved properly (recalculated anyway after a turn)
  • Fixed a bunch of other minor bugs while redoing most of the games variables
  • Added new bugs to fix in the future

A lot of work was done to improve the code in the last few weeks, which will make some future updates easier such as new techs and building in the future while breaking the 8 player limit at the same time.  One of the main downsides of me not knowing much about coding before starting this project is that I would do things in a way that turned out to be not optimal, but was at least functional. So now  I have gone back and fixed a lot of those mistakes which should make adding new techs and stuff quicker.  In total the game shed about 4000 lines of code, as I changed things to be more optimal and removed code that was kind of repetitive. As a result save sizes can also be smaller now for smaller maps, as the game isn't hard coded for 8 players even when the game only has 2 players selected. 


Zirka Dominus public Alpha 11.exe 183 MB
56 days ago
Zirka Dominus Public Alpha 11.x86_64 188 MB
56 days ago
Zirka Dominus public Alpha 11 159 MB
56 days ago
Zirka Dominus A11.apk 156 MB
56 days ago

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