Alpha 10 Update - Graphics and QOL Improvements


  • Fixed population send so that it updates the planet population total after the send occurs
  • Moved the pause button to the main panel, and removed the old one (Android Fix)
  • Add a option for setting rally point for ships
  • improved the camera some more
  • Damage in battle is now semi randomized
    •  weapons now have a minimum and maximum damage (critical hits can exceeded max damage)
    • basically players roll a d 20, if it lands on 20 that is a critical hit, lands on 1 is a critical failure and anything in between gives proportional damage.
  • Added a building queue to the planet build system
  • Added an option to set the maximum number of space stations to be built on a planet
  • Added a function to allow multiple buildings to be built on the same turn on each planet (max 10)
  • Added more player colours (more are potentially possible)
  • Fixed some ships not matching empire colours
  • Added in a new map feature (still WIP)
    • Added a note function to the map feature
    • Allows a better view of the entire galaxy, and will allow the player to see strategic information
  • Moved the Range boarder to a button on the main screen (mini side panel)
    • added a zoom in and zoom out button to the main screen
  • Added explosion graphic and text showing how much damage was dealt in battle
    • Also added a pulse for when ships use laser weapons while attacking
  • Ship design menu now shows how many of each ship type is owned by the player
  • Changing ship designs now costs players based on what is changed and the number of that type of ship
    • Removing parts gives a partial refund
    • Ship design also now shows more information about ship parts

Graphics and UI changes:

  • Sliders were modified to have blue accents and remove the knob on some
  • Top panel was modified, and colour changed to grey
  • Planet view has been improved
    • Now have information sorted into 4 tabs
    • Can now purchase ships from the main planet view
    • Can limit the number of defense satellites that can be built on planet
  • Updated the circles that are used to indicate selected planets
    • it spins, also looks way better than the original red circle with an arrow I made before and changes colours
  • Added a line to show where something is going when sending ships or troops


  • Fixed issue where the game does not check if the planet can be reached when sending civilians/troops
  • Fixed a bug that makes defensive satellites unbuildable (again)
  • Fixed issue with android builds
  • Fixed issues with using the scroll wheel on some screens causing the map to zoom in and out behind the other screen (not fully fixed, but improved)
  • Fixed an issue where planet selection changed when sending ships when using the left click
  • Fixed a bug that allowed players to send population too planets outside the range
  • Fixed an issue with large ships having the wrong prices (used to corrected itself when changing ship design)
  • Fixed issues with production estimation times
  • Fixed a bug with retreating ships not always retreating
  • Fixed issue with ships sometimes attacking from beyond the grave
  • Fixed issue that causes ship AI to sometimes randomly stop working
  • Fixed issue wit the dalts gaining an excessive amount of salvage
  • Removed a few star names that were stupid 


Zirka Dominus public Alpha 10.exe 183 MB
4 days ago
Zirka Dominus Public Alpha 10.x86_64 189 MB
4 days ago
Zirka Dominus public Alpha 10 159 MB
4 days ago
Zirka Dominus A10.apk 156 MB
4 days ago

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